Plenary Session 2 – How effectively address social sustainability challenges in tourism?
22 Sep 2022

Plenary Session 2 - How effectively address social sustainability challenges in tourism?.

How effectively address social sustainability challenges in tourism? Which policies can be developed?

Round table with representatives of different stakeholders debating key issues on Social Sustainability in tourism.

Friday 14 October | 9:30

FR | EN | ES

José María de Juan Alonso

Partner - Managing Director KOAN Consulting and Vice-president, Spanish Centre for Responsible Tourism (Spain)

He is partner-director of KOAN Consulting SL - Tourism Consultants, founded in 2000.

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He is specialized in the marketing of sustainable tourism products and destinations, working in Spain and in most of Latin America and Africa for various international development cooperation agencies. He is founder and Vice-president of EARTH-European Alliance for Responsible Tourism and Hospitality. He is a member of the Board of Directors of ISTO. He is representative for Spain through KOAN Consulting of the tourism sustainability systems GREEN DESTINATIONS for destinations and TRAVELIFE for tour operators, and Regional Coordinator for Europe of the Good Travel Program.

Emilio Ferrero

Tourism & Spanish Hotel Chains Coordinator, International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant Workers Association (IUF)

His professional career has been focused on the field of hospitality, workers and tourism in organizations such as the UGT, where he has held the positions of Federal Secretary of Hospitality-Tourism and International Relations and General Secretary of Castilla y León of CHTJ-UGT, among others.

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He has also participated in ILO tripartite technical meetings on "Sustainable Recovery of Tourism after COVID-19" and "Guidelines on Decent Work and Socially Responsible Tourism", and has also been a member representing workers in the Spanish Tourism Council, the advisory body of the Spanish Government for the tourism sector.

Leonor Picão

Senior Director of Tourism Offer Development, Turismo de Portugal (Portugal)
Leonor Picão

Senior Director of the Supply Enhancement Department at Turismo de Portugal, I.P., which coordinates Accessible and Social Tourism.

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Responsible for the REVIVE Programme, the Clean & Safe Project and the theme of Sustainability in Tourism (coordinator of the Plan Turismo +Sustentável 20-23). In the context of the Portuguese Quality System, assumed the role of Chair of the Technical Standardisation Committee for Tourism - CT 144 - Tourism Services, since 2017. Expert in the working groups: Climate Change (National Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change (ENAAC) -1st and 2nd Phase and Tourism Sector Group); European Network for Environmental Information and Observation - TOUERM (Tourism and Environment reporting mechanism); National Committee of the Man & Biosphere Programme of UNESCO; Green Growth; Combating Desertification; Technical Committee 228 - Tourism and Related Services.

Dominique Ktorza

Director of Social Policies, Agence Nationale pour les Chèques-Vacances - ANCV (France)

A graduate of the Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations and the Centre for International Exchange Preparation, Dominique Ktorza has been involved in social action for nearly 30 years.

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Head of the social action department within social protection groups, she joined the ANCV as director of social policies in 2007 to develop the schemes to help the most disadvantaged people go on holiday, in particular the Seniors on Holiday programme.

Lola Herrero

Advisor, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), RIU Hotels and Resorts & ESCP Business School Academic Partner

Since 2013, she is an Associate Professor at ESCP Business School (Madrid Campus), being currently Jean-Baptiste Say Institute Scientific-Academic Director (Madrid Campus), and academical advisor of the MSc in Hospitality and Tourism Management.

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She holds a Ph.D. in Business Economics (URJC, Madrid), an "Quality Management" (Official Tourism School in Madrid) and a B.A. Hons in "European Tourism Management" (University of Savoie, France). She is developing as principal researcher/director, international cooperation for development projects and consultancy missions, mainly in Latin America funded by public and private institutions, over the last 20 years. Since 2017, she has been responsible of different advisory/consultancy missions for Riu Hotels for its Corporate Social Responsibility Department, being since January 2022 the professor in charge of the PROFESSORSHIP: "ESCP Business School as academic partner for RIU Hotels & Resorts RSC“. Among other projects developed “on the field”, the most recent one developed is EL METODO RIU. Aligned with the projects developed, her recent research is based on the topic/field of sustainability management, mainly related to tourism destinations and in emerging destinations.

Roberta Barreto Miranda

Leisure Management Department, SESC Nacional (Brazil)

Roberta has a degree in tourism and legal sciences, a Master's degree in Hotel Management and Project Management, and has worked as a Social Tourism Analyst at the National Department of SESC for 12 years.

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Roberta has experience in business development, social tourism projects, lodging and hotel management. She has coordinated and implemented the social tourism project with training in innovative itineraries in 15 Brazilian states, seeking to develop a more solidary, sustainable and socially responsible tourism.