ISTO Europe reaffirms its commitment to youth tourism
30 Jan 2023

ISTO Europe reaffirms its commitment to youth tourism.

Youth tourism is a means to develop European citizenship, develop a positive image towards European institutions, enhance youth development through multicultural and innovative spaces, and strengthen the domestic tourism economy at the European level.

It is in this context that ISTO Europe’s working group on Youth Tourism released on March 2022 its advocacy paper “Tourism & Mobility Policy for European Youth”. In the continuation of this work, the working group organised a meeting in La Rochelle, France. From 25 to 29 January 2023, members and partners of ISTO gather to discuss the challenges and opportunities that youth tourism in Europe presents.

The meeting was led by Muriel Antoniotti-President of ISTO Europe, and Benoît César-Coordinator of the ISTO Europe Working Group on Youth Tourism. The event gathered more than 25 participants from Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria and France and also participants from Algeria, Mali and Morocco.

In the framework of this meeting, different workshops were organised. This allowed the participants to present their own initiatives regarding the participation of youth in tourism and to discuss challenges they are having in the implementation of their actions. There was also time to discuss the priorities in which to focus the work of ISTO Europe, to be incorporated into its Action Plan. Further, participants were invited to provide their input to strengthen ISTO Europe’s advocacy paper for youth tourism and mobility.

In connection with the meeting of the ISTO Europe working group, Auberges de jeunesse de Charente Maritime organised an Erasmus+ meeting which allow participants to discuss and exchange about youth tourism and its link with sustainable development. Academia was also present in this meeting, allowing researchers to present relevant studies related to tourism, youth and sustainability.

ISTO members and partners who are interested in youth tourism and mobility are invited to join the working group on this theme. Contact us for more information.

Alain Liberos

Alain Libéros, AERA

Tom Rouveure

Tom Rouveure, ANCV

Elsa Miroux

Elsa Miroux, ATES

Mona Locht

Mona Locht, German-Speaking Community of Belgium

Caroline Lomba

Caroline Lomba, Kaleo

Marc Pili, Vacances Ouvertes