Louis Jolin

Louis Jolin.



Academic institution


Louis Jolin holds a doctorate in business law from the University of Lyon 3 and is currently retired after a long career as a professor that began in 1980 in the Department of Urban and Tourism Studies at the Quebec University in Montreal. After retiring in 2013, he became Director of the Canadian Students' House at the international university complex in Paris until 2017.
He is also the co-founder of the journal Téoros and was a member of its editorial board for many years while assuming various academic responsibilities (programme director, department director, etc.).
Louis Jolin has always been very active in leisure and social tourism associations, particularly within the Conseil québécois du loisir. He was president of the St. Lawrence Youth Hostels Association, a member of Kéroul's Advisory Committee, a member of ISTO's Board of Directors and responsible for its Scientific Committee, which became ISTO's Training and Research Alliance.

Publications related to tourism (general)

    • JOLIN, louis (2012), "La double interaction entre droit et tourisme" in Sous la direction de Lucie K. Morisset et al. Épistémologie des études touristiques, Montréal, Presses de l'Université du Québec, p.205-2016.
    • Many articles in journals: Téoros, Espaces, Mondes du tourisme, Partances, etc,

Publications related to social tourism

    • DELISLE, Marie-Andrée et JOLIN, Louis (2007), Un autre tourisme est-il possible?, Montréal, Presses de l'Université du Québec, 141 p. (Cet ouvrage a été traduit en espagnol en 2011 sous le titre Es posible otro turismo?, Costa Rica, Flacso, 189 p.)