member organisations
The International Social Tourism Organisation (ISTO) was established in 1963 under the name of International Bureau of Social Tourism (BITS) as an international non-profit organisation.
Bringing together stakeholders from the social, sustainable and solidarity tourism sectors from all over the world, ISTO promotes accessible and responsible tourism.
Promote the development of tourism for all and make holidays accessible to the greatest number of people.
Promote and support forms of tourism that benefit people, communities and local areas. These include responsible, solidarity, fair and community tourism.
Beyond the Montreal Declaration, adopted by the BITS in 1996, ISTO focuses on 5 main themes.
ISTO operates in the collective interest of its members through its regional chapters, committees, the Alliance for Training and Research, the Trade Union Task Force and its working groups.
The work of the organisation involves:
Representation before national and international bodies relating to tourism
The dissemination of information and insights (news and academic research)
Networking its members (events and member space on the website)
Support and participation in projects