Visit València

Visit València.

Public authorities


Local or regional government agency

A non-profit foundation, which brings together the Valencia City Council, the Chamber of Commerce, Feria Valencia, the Valencian Business Confederation, Turisme Comunitat Valenciana and the Patronato de Turisme de la Diputación participate as well as most of the local companies involved in the tourism sector. Its objective is the strategic management and promotion of the city of Valencia in the field of tourism, with a professional and transversal approach that combines public and private interests.
Its vision is: "Working to position Valencia as a tourist destination internationally recognised for its Mediterranean lifestyle, history, traditions and its avant-gardism, with a collaborative, sustainable and profitable tourism model". And also: "The implementation of a new model of collaborative governance, with stable participation and management structures, qualified teams, pioneering technologies, intelligence and knowledge, with a segmented marketing approach oriented towards the new tourist."