Social tourism: contributing to the multiple dimensions of tourism
4 Oct 2022

Social tourism: contributing to the multiple dimensions of tourism.

Through various sources, the Walloon Tourism Observatory (OWT) has set up a series of indicators relating to social tourism in Wallonia. This document continues the work already done on the economic weight, in collaboration with ISTO.

Based on the cadastre of social tourism centres of the Commissariat général au tourisme (CGT), this synthesis concerns the years 2019 and 2020.

In addition to the number of visitors, jobs and turnover generated by the sector, the analysis also shows the importance of the other pillars of sustainability (social and environmental) such as social inclusion, support for the local & solidarity economy, awareness of education, accessibility and reduction of environmental impact.

This study and the indicators developed in Wallonia will be very useful for the construction of the ISTO Observatory.

Check the document.