Certification course “Inclusive services in the tourism industry”

Certification course “Inclusive services in the tourism industry”.


This certification programme's objective is to raise awareness about inclusive tourism among tourism stakeholders. Within the scope of this programme, we will teach about the legal framework of disability in Guatemala, techniques to assist visually- and/or hearing-impaired tourists and how to raise awareness among tourism business owners in order to hire disabled people and include them in the tourism sector's labor force and how to strengthen the Corporate Social Responsability of Tourism Sustainability and Quality Label "Q Label and Green Q Label."
Classes will be given on Tuesdays and Wednesdays between 9:30am and 11:30 (Guatemala time) online. The content includes specific topics for the tourism sector, the participant must attend 80% of the classes and the student will have to complete a pratical and theorical test at the end of the programme and get at least 70 points.