ISTO participates in meeting of the International Network of Sustainable Tourism Observatories (INSTO)
25 Oct 2022

ISTO participates in meeting of the International Network of Sustainable Tourism Observatories (INSTO).

On the 20 and 21 October, the Director of Sustainability for the UNWTO, Dirk Glaesser, invited ISTO to participate in the UNWTO meeting of the International Network of Sustainable Tourism Observatories (INSTO) in Madrid.

The President of the International Social Tourism Organization (ISTO), Isabel Novoa, had the opportunity to present to the participants the importance of advancing the existing information on the social dimension of sustainability and provided some examples of indicators that are currently being implemented, inviting the rest of the observatories to apply them in order to compare and consolidate perspectives at a global level.

ISTO thanks Visit Flanders, the Observatorio de Turismo Social de Argentina, the Observatorio de Turismo de Barcelona and Riu Hoteles for sharing their methodologies, which allowed to illustrate best practices that should be replicated and scaled up. Likewise, ISTO proudly highlights the presence of two of its members: the Instituto Guatemalteco de Turismo (INGUAT) and the Observatorio de Turismo Social de Guanajuato, who were also able to show their commitment and actions towards responsible tourism.

More information about the INSTO meeting can be found here.