Vacances Léo Lagrange

Vacances Léo Lagrange.




Léo Lagrange Holidays, whose headquarters are located in Marseille, is a social and family tourism company incorporated as a non-profit association since 1977.
Affiliated with the Federation Léo Lagrange, a popular education movement faithful to Léo Lagrange's ideals (Undersecretary of State for Sports and leisure organisation in the Popular Front in 1936), it defends the right to holiday and leisure, the right to education for all, in and outside school, and social diversity.
Léo Lagrange Holidays, thanks to its association status, is part of the social economy; its aim is not to reap profits but to respond to an object of general interest: offering affordable holiday in a citizen perspective.

Compared with commercial tourism, social tourism has not occupied its rightful place in the minds of tourists, operators and institutions in recent years. However, this form of tourism we defend has never been as relevant and innovative as it is today.
