ISTO's Board of Directors presents new strategic positioning.
For the first time since its election in Lyon last October 2018, ISTO's Board, chaired by Inés Ayala Sender, met in Brussels on 4-5 April 2019.
On the agenda of these two days of work was the presentation of a document on ISTO's new strategic positioning around 5 axes constituting the DNA of the organisation and integrating the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as well as an ongoing process to develop a communication strategy and plan.
New members
The actions of the working commissions, regional sections and other ongoing projects were presented to the administrators who also approved the accession of 10 new organisations ISTO. A first presentation on the 2020 Congress was made by the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism of Peru, Alejandro Reyes Hurtado, who wishes to host the next World Congress of ISTO. Finally, there was an intervention by the High Commissioner for the 2030 Agenda -Cristina Gallach Figueras- in charge of the coordination of the SDGs' implementation in Spain. Board of Directors April 2019 brussels