Red Costarricense de Turismo Accesible

Red Costarricense de Turismo Accesible.


Costa Rica


Non-profit association working towards the realisation of a Costa Rica for all, with 3 fundamental pillars:
  1. Informing: introducing the country's tourist services through an online directory.
  2. Verifying: technical visits and review of accessibility after which an improvement plan is provided and if followed then a "validated" stamp appears in the online directory.
  3. Educating: conferences, seminars, webinars... in order to position accessible tourism as an important market segment, as well as workshops on customer service, attention to people with disabilities, correct language, inclusion, accessibility...)
In addition, we have an environmental social responsibility project called "DONATAPA", which consists in collecting plastics 2, 4 and 5 and transforming them into plastic wood, with which we develop accessible solutions such as retractable walkways for beaches, accessible paths, amphibious chairs, etc.