Lecturer in geography at the UFR ESTHUA, author of several publications in French, English and Spanish on Latin America and tourism such as:
- Marie dit Chirot C. (2021), "La ciudad turística y sus contradicciones: una reflexión a partir del ejemplo de Playa del Carmen", Península, vol.16, n°2,
- Marie dit Chirot C. (2021), "Rematerialising Tourism Studies: Toward a Political Economy of Tourist Space", in Stock M. (ed.), Progress in French Tourism Geographies, Springer,
- Marie dit Chirot C. (2018), "Vers une économie politique du tourisme : réflexions à partir de quelques expériences latinoaméricaines", Norois, n°247.
Member of the laboratory "Espaces et Sociétés", of the GIS "Études Touristiques" and regular contributor to Alba Sud.