SESC São Paulo has developed digital tools that allow to connect people and tourism during the current sanitary situation.
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced us to adapt in a sudden and unprecedented context. We are facing many challenges with respect to our way of operating. With tourism being one of the sectors most affected by the health crisis, tourism organisations are looking to reinvent themselves and creatively develop new ways to carry out their initiatives.
One example of this SESC São Paulo, a Brazilian member of ISTO, which by using technology in its favour, has succeeded in bringing tourism closer to the people. They share with us their actions and ideas to reinvent themselves in this time of pandemic. In particular they have created videos, a virtual tourist guide and articles in portuguese.
You can find a series of videos entitled "Tourism and the pandemic - a real-time analysis" where researchers from different fields share their views. In addition, they have made available a virtual tourist guide to discover the beauty and culture of the city of Bertioga in Brazil. They have also developed a series of videos entitled "Tourism and Food" that puts food as a cultural reference point of the 5 Brazilian regions. Finally, among other initiatives, there is the series of articles entitled "Where the house lives in us" which invites people to travel from their home.