Cultura contro camorra

Cultura contro camorra.

Responsible tourism, Social responsibility, Sustainability



Cultura contro camorra, Ccc, is an association based in Brussels, Belgium operating since 2013 in the fight against organized crime and all forms of corruption. Ccc aims to promote the construction of a network of civil society and institutions against organized crime. It is still fighting for the affirmation of a social and participatory economy, particularly among young people, and the birth of a new culture in territories that are, or have been, characterized by a strong presence of organized crime.
The association has developed two operational sectors: responsible tourism and consumption and is also working in the actions of a network of associations to ensure democratic control of the territory and in a European network of elected representatives to fight corruption and the mafias.
Cultura contro camorra has collaborated with European and Italian institutions over the years on a wide range of activities, including debates, European week against organized crime, seminars, researches and trips to Italy aimed at creating tourist products for sale abroad.
Cultura contro camorra has also presented these initiatives at the ISTO World Congress in Ponta Delgada, São Miguel (Azores) in October 2022.