ISTO members met in Paris on 15-16 October 2019 to participate in the General Assembly and various thematic meetings dealing with European projects, the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), social policies in tourism and the International Week of Social and Responsible Tourism project.
These meetings, preceded by ISTO's Board of Directors, were an opportunity to present the activity report of the past few months, in which communication activities have been given a prominent place with the new ISTO logo, a new presentation leaflet and an overview of the organization's future website under construction. GA Paris October 2019Workshop SDGs Gathered at the FIAP Jean Monnet, the approximately 80 participants, coming from 16 countries in Europe, the Americas and Africa, also learned about the actions carried out in the regional sections and by the committees and working groups. Members also discussed the budgetary issues for 2020 and the importance of strengthening the network and expanding its membership. The General Assembly also welcomed the invitation by the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism of Peru to host the next ISTO World Congress in Lima from 13 to 16 October 2020.
An ISTO Americas delegation to meet French members
In the margins of these meetings, it should also be noted that a delegation led by ISTO Americas and composed of representatives from Canada, Chile, Costa Rica and Guatemala met with various French members of ISTO - FIAP Jean Monnet, Ethic-Etapes, ATES, UNAT, Vacances Ouvertes, French Ministry in charge of tourism (DGE) and Agence National du Chèque-Vacances (ANCV) to discuss their respective activities and explore possibilities for collaboration. ISTO Americas at VO