ISTO Awards 2022: Who are the shortlisted candidates?
7 Sep 2022

ISTO Awards 2022: Who are the shortlisted candidates?.

The jury of the ISTO Awards has pre-selected the best applicants for the first edition of the ISTO Awards. Now, a new jury will choose the winners among 18 candidates from 11 countries.

Between May and July members and non-members of ISTO had the chance to send their applications to the first edition of the ISTO Awards. A total of 46 applications from 22 countries were received.

During the first stage, experienced members of the Board of Directors of ISTO assessed each application taking into account the criteria set for this initiative. As a result, a list of shortlisted nominees can finally be announced.

The finalists for the ISTO Awards are:

Category Public Authorities:

- Agencia Catalana de Turismo - Catalunia, Spain - Manual de Turismo para Todos

- Ayuntamiento de San Luis Potosí - Mexico - Turismo para todos Cultura turística

- Comité Régional du Tourisme et des Loisirs d'Occitanie - France - Programme Occ'Ygène

- Turismo de Portugal - Portugal - The ALL FOR ALL – Portuguese Tourism Program

Category Social, Fair and Responsible Initiatives:

- Asociación Red Costarricense de Turismo Accesible - Costa Rica - DONATAPA

- Association Tourisme & Handicaps - France - Magazine Tourisme Accessible

- ATES Association pour le tourisme équitable et solidaire - France - Projet Fair Breizh

- Fundação INATEL - Portugal -

- Fundación Peruana de Turismo Social - Peru - Experiencias con Sentido

- SESC - Brazil - Viaje com o Sesc

- VVF - France - Programme Easy

Category Academy and Research:

- CETT School of Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy - Spain - Master's in LGBT Tourism

- Khomsi Mohamed Reda - Quebec, Canada - Le rôle de l’intelligence artificielle dans l’amélioration de l’accessibilité touristique des personnes en situation de handicap

- Marcelo Vilela de Almeida - Brazil - L’Atelier de tourisme social – Viver São Paulo

Non-member organisations:

- Fonds de dotation ESSENTIEM - France - Dispositif d’aide au départ

- Global Himalayan Expedition - India - Bringing Solar Electrification of remote villages in Himalayas

- Outdoor Billboard Gallery Inc. - Australia - Outdoor Gallery billboards

- Secretaría de Turismo del Gobierno de la Ciudad de México - Mexico - Colibrí Viajero

Now, the final jury, composed of members of ISTO’s Conseil des Sages will choose the winners of the ISTO Awards 2022.

The announcement of the winners will be made at the ISTO Awards Ceremony during the ISTO World Congress 2022 on 14 October.

Stay tuned for more information.

Sabrina Urrutia - ISTO 07-09-2022