Edito by Jöel Capo-Chichi, President of ISTO Africa
31 May 2022

Edito by Jöel Capo-Chichi, President of ISTO Africa.

The urgency of domestic tourism in Africa.

Over the last decades, the tourism and travel industry has become an important driver of economic growth and job creation throughout the world.

The coronavirus pandemic has significantly affected the industry’s well-being everywhere. In Africa, an upturn seems slower to come than in other regions of the world. This is due in part to the way the African tourism industry is organised.

Indeed, the tourism sector in Africa mainly depends on international tourists.

We must create and implement strategies aiming to boost domestic tourism. This vast continent is a source of endless cultural and natural attractions: a rich heritage, beautiful and spacious beaches, and abundant flora and fauna.

Developing domestic tourism should give African economies more resilience regarding changes in international tourism, and reduce their vulnerability to external shocks. This should also help diversify these economies and allow them to increase profits stemming from the continent’s rich cultural heritage.

Finally, regarding insecurity, we expect to see a collective response (either regional or continent-wide) pushing to eradicate the harm done by terror attacks and social crises. Indeed, the heart of the matter lies in national and international visitors’ sense of peace, as well as negative news articles, which deter people from visiting African destinations.