ISTO’s General Assembly: Meeting online to better gather face to face!
14 Jun 2024

ISTO’s General Assembly: Meeting online to better gather face to face!.

The International Social Tourism Organisation, ISTO, held an online General Assembly on 12 June 2024. Over 60 participants from all around the world were connected to listen to ISTO most recent activities and work, and also upcoming events and projects. Participating members were lucky to get early information about the 2024 ISTO World Congress that will be happening from 21 to 25 October this year in Costa Rica!

A dense agenda was presented to members, partners and other stakeholders with a focus on the presentation of the Activity report. Accompanied by the presidents of each 3 regional sections composing the organisation, the president of ISTO Isabel Novoa and ISTO Secretariat listed and detailed the key features and accomplishments of the previous months, highlighting especially the success of the 60th Anniversary of ISTO and the achievements for each of the 4 main axis of the 2023-2024 Action Plan that are: Knowledge Development, Advocacy, Members Expertise and Communication and Networking. Within the Action Plan, priorities for 2024 have been defined and presented, including an update on the progress of the development of indicators to measure social sustainability of the tourism sector.

Each president of the 3 regional sections had the chance to inform participants on the main events as well as their ambition for the coming years. Additionally, a full part was dedicated to the financial topic and presented by ISTO’s General Secretary Yves Godin. Results for 2023 were detailed and the budget for 2024 adopted.

The General Assembly was also the occasion to talk about the future! Attendees were able to become aware of the upcoming projects and events organised by ISTO including the second edition of the ISTO Awards but most of all, the World Congress. Indeed, attendees had the chance to receive essential information about the programme and the organisation of the ISTO World Congress that will happen from 21 to 25 October 2024 in San José, Costa Rica. The Assembly ended with a timeline for the organisation of the renewal of ISTO Board of Directors.

Once again, the enthusiasm to keep working and planning together for the promotion of Tourism for All globally could really be felt among the participants, who, similarly to ISTO’s team, are much looking forward to keep discussing such topics face to face at the World Congress in Costa Rica.

The Activity Report 2023-2024 is now available and can be found here.

Lea Bonnet - ISTO 14-06-2024