5th edition of the International Week for Fair and Sustainable Tourism for All!
28 May 2024

5th edition of the International Week for Fair and Sustainable Tourism for All!.

Organised each year by ISTO, the International Week for Fair and Sustainable Tourism for All will take place this year from 10 to 16 June 2024. Invited to take part in this event, ISTO members are proposing several activities and contributions organised as part of the International Week.

What exactly is the International Week for Fair and Sustainable Tourism for All ?

This event aims at highlighting initiatives promoting responsible tourism. It is an opportunity for tourism professionals from all over the world to showcase their work in favour of a Fair and Sustainable Tourism for All. Members of ISTO’s international network are invited to organise their own events. They can decide to create workshops, webinars, conferences, reports, visual content, or even guided tours, as long as the event promotes forms of tourism that are responsible and respectful of the local communities, the workers and the visitors.

Activities and contributions are listed below and will be updated as we receive them. Members' contributions can take place 1 to 2 weeks before and after the official dates of International Week.

From 30 May to 2 June

Reception of the Spanish influencer "Viajeros sin Límite" - Hérault tourisme

Regional Natural Park of Haut Languedoc / Pays Haut Languedoc and Vineyards, France - To the video

Hérault Tourisme and the Chaîne Thermale du Soleil: the thermal baths of Lamalou-les-Bains welcomed the Spanish influencer ‘Viajeros sin Límite’ as part of the event ‘Au cœur de l'handisport et des JO Paralympiques Paris 2024’. The event was organised in the Hérault department between May 30 and June 2, highlighting accessibility initiatives in nature, gastronomy, accessible hotels and thermal baths. Several visits and activities were organised for the occasion.

From 3 to 7 June
Logo Dunanba

One Pilgrim, One tree - Dunanba Association

Bamako, Mali

Each pilgrim will plant a tree in front of the maison des aînés and around the maison du hadj at the hamdallaye cultural centre.

4 June

Opening of Accessible Beach #14 - Red Costarricense de Turismo Accesible

Playa Ventanas, Osa, Costa Rica

The Red Costarricense de Turismo Accesible, as part of its DONATAPA campaign, is proud to inaugurate its fourteenth accessible beach in Costa Rica. This event, which will take place on 4 June at 11 a.m., marks a significant milestone in the promotion of accessibility, inclusion, equality and tourism development for all.

Donatapa, a national campaign that does not stop, has managed to collect thousands of plastic caps, transforming them through circular economy into support implements for the access and enjoyment of the sea. Thanks to the funds collected and the collaborative management with destination managers, public-private partnerships and the development of chains of accessible tourism services, 11 walkways and 1 amphibious chair will be delivered to the Asociación de Desarrollo de Ojochal. These implements will be installed, cared for and operated by the association to ensure their availability and proper use by everyone.

Ventanas Beach will not only have these new accessibility features, but will also offer its visitors lifeguard services, parking and restrooms, ensuring a safe and welcoming environment for all visitors. The event will be attended by representatives of municipalities, government, press and people with disabilities, who will have the honour of inaugurating these resources.

In addition, all beaches in the network are available on the Real Travel app, where users can find detailed information on locations, opening hours and available services.

As ISTO partners, we celebrate this launch in commemoration of the International Week of Fair and Sustainable Tourism for All, reaffirming our commitment to human rights, sustainability and quality of life for all people.

5 June

Accessible tourism Awards - Tourisme & Handicaps Association

17h (CEST) - Salon Handica - Eurexpo, Lyon, France - Website

The aim of these awards is to highlight and showcase tourism service providers who have made themselves accessible to all people with disabilities.

5 June

The Trophées Horizons - Acteurs du Tourisme Durable - ATD

18h30 - 20h30 (CEST) - Paris, France - Website

Organised by the association ATD - Acteurs du Tourisme Durable and supported by ADEME, this awards ceremony aims to reward and highlight the most inspiring, innovative and remarkable sustainable tourism initiatives implemented by committed professionals. The aim? To inspire change in the tourism sector, contribute to the deployment of positive-impact projects, and give a wide platform to the issues involved in the transition of tourism! Divided into 10 categories addressing the major challenges of sustainable tourism, this 3rd edition of the Trophées Horizons aims, once again, to reward initiatives implemented in the tourism sector by French organisations.

9 June

Community engagement and sustainable tourism - Batoufam Culture et Tourisme

Batoufam, Western region, Cameroun

Community involvement at Batoufam during the International Week for Fair and Sustainable Tourism is an essential pillar for the success of this event. This approach enhances local potential, encourages community involvement and promotes a participatory approach.
Involving residents in the organisation and implementation of activities helps to strengthen their sense of belonging and cultural identity.

10 June

Training day on Inclusive and Accessible Tourism - ILUNION Accesibilidad

9h AM - 2h PM (CEST) - Hotel ILUNION Fuengirola (Costa del Sol, Málaga), Andalucía, Spain - Registration

The Fuengirola City Council has promoted a training day on inclusive and accessible tourism, aimed at professionals in the sector.

The objectives of this initiative are to publicize the advantages of accessibility for tourist destinations and companies; raise awareness and train professionals in the tourism sector to improve care for people with disabilities, older people, families with small children and large families, making known the preferences and tourist habits of these clients and their accessibility requirements; and transmit knowledge about the management and promotion of accessibility in tourism destinations and companies, offering practical examples.

The day will be expressly aimed at professionals in the sector, both from the Department of Tourism of the City Council and the restaurant sector, as well as from the tourist accommodation of the different categories, from the different establishments that make up the public and private tourist offer, as well as of incoming travel agencies.

The Department of Tourism of Fuengirola will offer this training action with the technical support of ILUNION Accessibility and ILUNON Hotels, member companies of the ONCE Social Group.

The subjects to be taught include issues such as the principles and advantages of accessibility in tourism or the importance of accessibility within the framework of the concepts of “Smart City” and “Smart destination”. General guidelines for attention to the public with disabilities will also be offered, as well as tools to relate to and care for people with physical, visual, hearing, cognitive disabilities, and other accessibility requirements.

Legal regulations and accessibility standards for tourism, both international, European, and national, will be other aspects to be discussed. Likewise, guidelines will also be offered on the management of accessibility in tourist establishments.

As a final touch to the day, the Tourism Area will present the new Fuengirola tourist accessibility guide to attendees and will deliver their corresponding badges to the accommodations included in it.

11 June

Conference and Reforestation - Batoufam Culture et Tourisme

10h - 15h ,Batoufam, Western region, Cameroun

Batoufam is resolutely committed to the path of sustainable development, positioning itself as a prime destination for ecotourism. This green vision is part of an environmentally respectful approach, honoring cultural richness and aiming to provide visitors with an authentic and sustainable experience, while preserving natural and historical heritage for future generations.

11 June

Reflections on other logics for tourism (Interview) - Sesc Serviço Social do Comércio (departamento regional do estado de São Paulo)

São Paulo, SP, Brasil - Link

Interview with Catalan researcher Ernest Cañada about Tourism from critical perspectives, analyzing impacts on territories, labor relations, and emancipatory forms carried out by various communities and social sectors.
Ernest Cañada, the interviewee, holds a PhD in Geography and is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of the Balearic Islands. He is a member of Alba Sud, a Catalan research center specializing in responsible tourism and decent work, of which he is a founding member and was the coordinator from 2008 to 2021.
Mônica Nobrega, the interviewer, is a journalist and geographer, pursuing a master's degree in urban geography. She works as a communicator for human rights and also researches and writes about traditional communities and social movements.

Video with Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) and subtitles available in English, Portuguese and Spanish.

Technical Sheet
Production: Fuzuê Filmes
Execution: Sesc Bertioga
Duration: 47 minutes

11 June

CafecISTO International

16h (CEST) - Online - Registration

ISTO is pleased to invite you to its CafecISTO International organised as part of the International Week of Tourism for Fair and Sustainable Tourism for All. We will have the opportunity to give you all the essential information about the next ISTO World Congress in San José, Costa Rica!

11 June

Sesc Bertioga, building hope through social tourism (Report) - Sesc Serviço Social do Comércio (departamento regional do estado de São Paulo)

São Paulo, SP, Brasil - Link

The catalan research and communication for development organization Alba Sud has produced a report, written by researcher Ernest Cañada, in which they analyzed the experience of the Sesc Bertioga Holiday Centre (São Paulo, Brazil) from a perspective of Social Tourism in Latin America.

This report was produced with the support of Barcelona City Council within the framework of the grant program for Global Citizenship Education projects, 2018. A first edition was published in Spanish in 2020, in English in 2021 and in Portuguese in 2022, published in collaboration with Sesc São Paulo.

Ernest Cañada, has a PhD in Geography and is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of the Balearic Islands. He is a member of Alba Sud, a Catalan research center specializing in responsible tourism and decent work, of which he is a founding member and was coordinator between 2008 and 2021.

Serie Informes en Contraste, núm. 11, Albasud, 2021 (english)
Translation: Sesc SP
Partnership: International Social Tourism Organization - ISTO

12 June

Census of the intangible cultural heritage of small municipalities - UNPLI – Unione Nazionale Pro Loco d'Italia

UNESCO, Paris, France

Promoted in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture of Italy and the technical-scientific support of the Central Institute for Intangible Heritage, the census work will make possible to map and catalog the cultural intangible heritage reference of small communities, ensuring periodic monitoring and encouraging knowledge through coordinated and shared registration on inventories, registers, archives and both territorial and national platforms. The data collection will be carried out by personnel identified by UNPLI, with the support of anthropological researchers and will use evaluation form models developed by the Central Institute for Intangible Heritage, which also took care of the training of the volunteers. The materials collected, thanks to the collaboration of local administrations, will be uploaded and shared on a digital platform which will make the data present in existing digital archives interoperable and will allow the intangible assets to be displayed, studied and learned about in an interactive and engaging way, making them accessible to a wider audience.
The objective is to increasingly spread the concepts and tools that the UNESCO Convention makes available to local communities.

12 June

ISTO General Assembly

16h - 18h (CEST) - Online

Do not miss this occasion to learn about the recent, current and future actions of the organisation, as well as the upcoming events.

13 June

INSTO Insights Webinar on Measuring Accessibility at the Destination Level - UN Tourism

12h - 13h (CEST) - Online - Link

This INSTO webinar will discuss the latest concepts and specific developments in the sphere of measuring accessibility. It will feature solutions and lessons learned by selected experts and Members of the UN Tourism International Network of Sustainable Tourism Observatories (INSTO) in the field of measuring and monitoring accessibility, at the destination level.

The President of ISTO, Isabel Novoa, will be speaking at this webinar.

13 June

Accessible Festivals Yearbook Presentation - Impulsa Igualdad

18h (CEST) - AIE Auditorium (Torrelara Street, 8, Chamartín, Madrid) - Registration link

Impulsa Igualdad and the Music For All Foundation have teamed up to publish the second edition of the Accessible Festivals Yearbook 2024: a compilation of all the information on festivals that contribute to accessibility in Spain.
On Thursday 13 June we will be presenting it at the AIE Auditorium in Madrid and we would love you to join us.

And to celebrate the fact that music unites us all, at the end of the presentation we will have a surprise accessible performance.

13 June

Webinar in English - Exploring new paths: a step towards Fair Tourism! - Association pour le Tourisme Equitable et Solidaire - ATES

10h - 11h (CEST) - Online - Link

What is fair tourism, what are its principles and how can they be put into practice, what inspiring examples can be reproduced and under which conditions? In this webinar we will try to answer these questions through reflexive exercises that will allow us to immerse ourselves in a sector that represents both a lever and a challenge for the development of the territories. We look forward to seeing you there!

13 June

Webinar in English – Regenerative Tourism and Biodiversity (ATES with Ecolanka, Sri Lanka) - Association pour le Tourisme Equitable et Solidaire - ATES

13h - 14h (CEST) - Online - Link

Let's talk about regenerative tourism and biodiversity with Cassie Manuelli, assistant engineer at Ecolanka and Shrimal Holuge, Manager at Ecolanka. Ecolanka, a unique ecological reserve, certified as a “Forest Garden” in Sri Lanka Situated at an altitude of 920m, this is a hidden paradise in the mountainous and agricultural region of Sri Lanka where biodiversity reigns. It is the perfect place for nature lovers, who are seek new horizons. We look forward to seeing you there!

13 June

Tourism and climate change: 3 tools for responsible travelers and operators - A.I.T.R. - Associazione Italiana Turismo Responsabile

15h - 16h30 (CEST) - Online - Link

The ERASMUS+ project "Acting for European Responsible Tourism (ATRE) - Low Carbon Travel" aims to monitor tourism's contribution to climate change by engaging producers and consumers of tourism and travel services in more responsible low-carbon travel. This European project mobilises a network of realities in 5 European countries: Agir Pour un Tourisme Responsable (ATR) (lead partner), France; TravelPro formation, France; Mediterranean Centre of Environment (MCE), Greece; KOAN Consulting, Spain; Belgian Travel Confederation, Belgium; Italian Association of Responsible Tourism, Italy

Three educational tools have been developed as part of the project that aim to raise awareness among travelers and tour operators: an online training for travel designers and sellers (travel agencies, TO), an online APP for tourist service providers (drivers, cooks, hosts, site managers, guides) and an online game for travelers

Each addresses the understanding of the issues and the measurement, reduction, contribution and adaptation to GHG emissions. They will all be available in the 6 languages of the project (French, English, Spanish, Italian, Greek, Dutch).

14 June

Tourism Against Cancer - FUNCAVIDA

5 AM to 8 PM - Manuel Antonio National Park, Quepos, Costa Rica

The trip includes a tourist excursion to Manuel Antonio National Park, therapeutic activities, and the use of facilities at Hotel La Foresta, Quepos. The cost of the trip is 27,000 colóns (transport, meals, day pass).

14 June

Webinar in French – Fighting folklorisation in tourism - Association pour le Tourisme Equitable et Solidaire - ATES

12h - 13h (CEST) - Online - Link

Come and talk to ATES and VAN THAI NGUYEN about ‘Fighting folklorisation and putting people first’. Van Thai Nguyen is in charge of business development at TTB Travel. Based in Hanoi, the agency is a 100% family-run business whose mission is to help people discover the real Vietnam through immersion.

14 June

Hike to the Ketsock Waterfall, Visit of the Museum and the Forge - Batoufam Culture et Tourisme

9h - 15h ,Batoufam, Western region, Cameroun

The aim of this initiative is to invite local people to explore Batoufam's ecotourism aspect. The walk, from the Palais royal to the waterfall, will be punctuated by themed stops at sites that have a historical significance. Discovering the Royal Museum offers the visitors the opportunity to appreciate the area and, at the same time, to immerse themselves in their culture, encouraging them to think about the future in greater depth. This experience will also show them that the Royal Palace itself is a concrete example of sustainable tourism.

14 June

Webinar in Spanish – Exploring new paths: a step towards Fair Tourism! - Association pour le Tourisme Equitable et Solidaire - ATES

16h - 17h (CEST) - Online - Link

What is fair tourism, what are its principles and how can they be put into practice, what inspiring examples can be reproduced and under which conditions? In this webinar we will try to answer these questions through reflexive exercises that will allow us to immerse ourselves in a sector that represents both a lever and a challenge for the development of the territories. We look forward to seeing you there!

15 June

Creation of a Mini-Catalogue - Batoufam: The Symphony of a Kingdom - Between Tradition, Architecture, and Eco-Solidarity - Batoufam Culture et Tourisme

Batoufam, Western region, Cameroun

The aim of this mini-catalogue is to present the various tourist sites that make up the Batoufam ecotourism complex. This will enable visitors to get an idea of the places they can discover in the Kingdom, apart from the on-site museum. This document will help to get local people more involved in the process of implementing Social Tourism in Batoufam and the surrounding area.

20 June

Presentation of the Erasmus+ DIANA Project - Accessible and Inclusive Skills in Protected Natural Areas - Koan Consulting SL

16h - Online - Link

In this event the project partners DAFNE Soc. Cooperativa (ITALY), ABAT BALKANIA (Macedonia) and KOAN Consulting (Spain), will present how the DIANA project plans to contribute to the development of accessible and inclusive skills of those tour operators working in protected natural areas, receiving suggestions and opinions from the rest of the participants, and engaging in a dynamic and productive debate.

All week

Survey: Sustainable Tourism Practices - Commissariat général au Tourisme (Tourisme Wallonie)

Wallonia, Belgium - Link

In March 2024, the Walloon Tourism Observatory conducted a survey among Walloon tourism operators regarding their sustainable tourism practices.

A total of 247 stakeholders participated:

  • Accommodations
  • Attractions/Museums
  • Tourism Houses


The questions addressed:

  • The proportion of purchases necessary for the operation of the tourism infrastructure
  • Measures taken to avoid disturbing the peace of local residents
  • Measures to limit car usage
  • Measures taken to reduce energy consumption
  • Initiatives to facilitate the reception of people with special needs
All week

Inclusive social tourism and the restoration of degraded areas: the case of the Batoufam eco-tourism complex - Batoufam Culture et Tourisme

Batoufam, Western region, Cameroun

Conference, Excursion, reforestation, heritage dances: meudjouok, metioh.

All week

Cultural identity and social tourism, a link between peoples - Rematourd

Mopti -Sévaré, Mali

The young people will benefit from the experience of their elders to gain new perspectives in the sector.

20 - 30 June

IT.A.CÀ Festival - ROOTS ON MOVEMENT - A.I.T.R. - Associazione Italiana Turismo Responsabile


"A city overlooking a Gulf that evokes a legend, when angels and demons faced each other in an epic battle in the skies of Cagliari and from which the promontory of the Devil's Saddle originated.

Quartu is anything but legend-its history is rooted in the Nuragic age, evidenced by the presence of the Nuraghe Diana. A city that, despite the sea, is of peasant origins and that, over the years, is changing its skin, devoting itself to healthy, conscious and sustainable tourism .

During the Festival we will have the opportunity to rediscover ancient historic homes and arts and crafts that good artisans continue to hand down. It will be like a journey through time and, as in any journey, you will return enriched with experiences, sensations, scents and flavors of an ancient and at the same time modern land.

From June 20 to 30, 2024, Quartu Sant'Elena will celebrate our roots and you are all invited to participate with enthusiasm and passion, the same that we organizers and partners put into it to give you unique sensations. "

25 June

TUR4all Talk - Impulsa Igualdad

Online - Link

TUR4all Talks provides a space for sharing knowledge, experiences and best practices that promote truly accessible and sustainable tourism. We will explore how accessible tourism is integrated into current concepts such as smart tourism, which uses technology to improve the experience of visitors with accessibility needs; or regenerative tourism, which seeks not only to minimise negative impacts but also to generate benefits for local communities and ecosystems, putting the focus on people and their specific needs. We will discover how to apply innovative solutions to advance the development of tourism for all, in addition to sharing the projects that we are carrying out in IMPULSA IGUALDAD-TUR4all to promote equality in tourism.

We will be talking with leading professionals in the sector, whose perspectives and experiences will enrich our understanding of how we can achieve a more inclusive tourism.

Join us to learn about all these topics and much more at TUR4all Talks, where each talk brings us closer to a more accessible and responsible tourism.

29 June

Dream no more, let’s go! - Vacances Ouvertes

9h – 18h, Bollaert Stadium, Lens, France

An event reserved for the 10,000 people we support.
More than 8,000 future holidaymakers are expected at the Stade Bollaert on Saturday 29 June for the Fête des vacances, a festive and convivial afternoon bringing together all the partners involved in the operation ‘10,000 departures, dream no more, let's go! ".

More than 60 stands and a wide range of activities will fill the aisles of the Bollaert stadium on the afternoon of 29 June for the Fête des vacances. The event, organised by the partners in the ‘10,000 departures, dream no more, let's go!’ scheme, is open to all families, adults and children, who will be going on holiday this year as part of this program.

The 10000 departures operation is a first in France. An entire region - 26 municipalities in the Bassin Minier du Pas-de-Calais - has been working together for several months to support holiday travel for those who are furthest away from it and to advocate for the right to vacations for all. The goal: 10,000 departures.

Supported by the Vacances Ouvertes association and numerous public (Communauté d'agglomération, Département, Région, Caf, Etat, ANCV), private and associative (local and national) partners, this initiative represents a total budget of nearly €1.2 million.

A morning symposium at the Louvre-Lens on the right to vacations.

"All Together, All on Vacation" is the title of the conference organised by Vacances Ouvertes. Social action professionals, elected representatives committed to vacation issues, families and foundations will come to discuss and testify to the beneficial effects of vacation projects on individual journeys as well as on community dynamics. Remy Knafou, a geographer and specialist on the subject, will be the keynote speaker of the morning.

30 June

Hike to the Sacred Forest - Batoufam Culture et Tourisme

Batoufam, Western region, Cameroun

Visitors are invited to uncover the mysteries of the sacred forest of Batoufam during an exceptional guided hike. This walk is an invitation to reconnect with nature and immerse oneself in the cultural richness of Batoufam. The trail promises not only physical exercise but also a spiritual experience, deeply rooted in the community's ancient traditions.

This hike offers a unique opportunity to contribute to environmental preservation while enriching oneself with the ancestral wisdom of Batoufam.