ISTO World Congress.

San José, Costa Rica.

21-25 October 2024

With the support of the Costarrican Tourism Institute (ICT) the next ISTO World Congress will be held between 21-25 October in San José, Costa Rica.

Before registering, please see below the information about the Congress, and choose the optional tours you would like to join!

Social Sustainability of Tourism: Connecting the essential in 360º


Venue: National Convention Center, San José, Costa Rica.

Join us at the 29th ISTO World Congress in San Jose, Costa Rica, from October 21-25, 2024!


Focused on "Social Sustainability of Tourism: Connecting the Essential in 360º", this event gathers leaders and experts in social, fair, and sustainable tourism.


Supported and organised in partnership with the Costarrican Tourism Institute (ICT), it offers a unique platform for knowledge exchange, collaboration, and inspiration. Participate in engaging debates and sessions to promote socially sustainable tourism practices.


Do not miss this opportunity to shape a better future!

Thanks to the support of:

Field visits designed to let international participants live, learn and exchange experiences in the tourism ecosystem of Costa Rica.


For more information, check tab "21 & 22 October"

Statutory meetings of ISTO and more.


For more information, check tab "23 October"

Dissemination and exchange of best practices centered around innovation and research, with the social sustainability of the tourism sector as the priority.


For more information, check tab "24 & 25 October"

Venue: National Convention Center, San José, Costa Rica.

Find out more

Experiences in 360º of ISTO’s DNA

Prior to the start of the Congress, we propose you to experience one of the three field visits (two days long) specially designed for international participants to learn and exchange experiences in the Costa Rican tourism ecosystem, based on ISTO's DNA.

Target audience: open to all international participants, although places will be granted on a priority basis to ISTO members.


All the field visits include:

  • transfer to/from San José and return to San José | Departure: Monday 21 October, 8h00 & Return: Tuesday 22 October, 19h00 (approx.)
  • 1 night accommodation (21-22 October) in SINGLE occupancy with breakfast included
  • Meals (with pre-established menu): 2 lunches (21 and 22) and dinner (21)
  • Tours and visits proposed in the chosen itinerary
  • Accredited guide

Please note that all the proposed visits will be offered with interpretation in English and Spanish, and that the cost of any visit you choose is the same.

Book your place quickly, places are limited! Discover here the three options of visits offered!

Option #1: Exploring the Natural Treasures of Costa Rica

Embark on a two-day, one-night journey through the magical tropical forest of Costa Rica. Share unforgettable moments with the local community, marvel at the majesty of an active volcano, and delight your taste buds with exquisite Costa Rican cuisine. On the second day, elevate your spirit by walking among the treetops, contribute to an organic farm, and immerse yourself in local crafts while learning about important social organizations.

This trip includes transportation, guide, lodging, sensory trail, delicious meals, participation in community activities, relaxing hot springs, thrilling hanging bridges, visit to an organic farm, exchanges with local artisans, and an enriching experience with social organizations.

Option #2: Immerse Yourself in the Essence of Guanacaste

Discover the cultural and natural richness of Guanacaste during this exciting two-day trip. Learn about the cowboy culture, explore the fascinating history of the region, and delve into the philosophy of the circular economy, where social and environmental well-being are paramount. Enjoy accessible beaches and live the thrilling experience of adaptive surfing with the national team. After so much adventure, marvel at the lush nature and fascinating history in a Ramsar site.

This trip includes transportation, guide, lodging, delicious meals, guidance from a local historian, cowboy culture, access to adapted beaches, exciting adaptive surfing session, a boat tour through the Ramsar site, and walks filled with culture and nature.

Option #3: Exploring the Wonder of Wetlands and Tropical Rainforest

Venture into the heart of Costa Rican biodiversity with this exciting two-day trip. Discover the impressive Ramsar site, known as the "Amazon of Costa Rica," where you will share unforgettable experiences with local park rangers, learn about valuable conservation work, and hear passionate testimonies about impact and sustainable growth. If nature allows, you will have the privilege of witnessing the dazzling spectacle of sea turtles. Upon leaving this magnificent natural space, you will visit the vibrant community of Sarapiquí, where you will get to know local enterprises and enjoy the authenticity of Costa Rican rural life.

This trip includes transportation, guide, lodging, delicious meals, entrance to the national park, visit to a hydroelectric plant, interaction with the local community, experience with park rangers, and discovery of local enterprises.

ISTO at 360º

ISTO Statutory Meetings to be held:

Board of Directors

ISTO international administrators' meeting.

Extraordinary General Assembly (ES-FR-EN)

Meeting for all ISTO members and invited observers.

Regional Sections Africa (FR-EN), Americas (ES-FR) and Europe (EN-FR)

Simultaneous meetings of the three ISTO regional sections with the participation of members according to geographical representation and special guests.

CafecISTO Live

Experience ISTO membership and better understand how to get the most out of your membership!

ISTO Alliance for Training and Research

Meeting of universities, researchers and academics brought together in the ISTO Alliance.

360º of Social Sustainability in Tourism

24 October

Opening Ceremony
  • International Social Tourism Organisation (ISTO)
  • Instituto Costarricense de Turismo (ICT) - Costa Rica

Costa Rica Highlights

  • Red Costarricense de Turismo Accesible - Costa Rica

360º Panorama of the social sustainability of tourism
  • Billion Strong - United States

Social sustainability: ISTO's commitment and challenges for its members
  • Instituto Universitario de Investigaciones Turísticas de la Universidad de Alicante - Spain

Advances in social indicators of tourism
  • International Social Tourism Organisation (ISTO)



Environment - Climate justice: no more living with our backs to the oceans
  • Sustentur - Mexico
  • Agencia Catalana de Turismo - Spain
  • Asociación para el Apoyo y Promoción del Turismo en Bahía Junquillal - Costa Rica
  • Isla de Pascua Municipality - Chile

Quality of Life - Youth and Tourism: building a local and global identity
  • Auberges de Jeunesse Saintlo - Canada
  • Vacances Ouvertes (VO) - France
  • Conseil québécois du loisir (CQL) - Canada
  • Secretaría de Turismo de Querétaro - Mexico

Quality of Life - Tourism as a human development tool
  • Instituto Costarricense de Turismo (ICT) - Costa Rica
  • Rueda de Turismo Social Sindical - Argentina
  • Funcavida - Costa Rica
  • Secretaría de Turismo de Baja California - Mexico
  • Instituto Hondureño de Turismo - Honduras

Accessibility - Exclusionary Inclusion: contradictions in the management of tourism ‘for all’
  • Il Viaggio Travel - Costa Rica
  • Emilia-Romagna Region - Italy
  • Kéroul - Canada
  • Passaporte Acessível - Brazil


Fair trade - Circular economy and tourism
  • Diesis - Belgium
  • Donatapa - Costa Rica
  • Sesc Departamento Nacional - Brazil

Solidarity - Community-based rural tourism: Balancing the interests of communities with market demands
  • ICEI - Italy
  • Association pour le tourisme équitable et solidaire (ATES) - France
  • Red TUSOCO - Bolivia
  • Asociación Chilena de Turismo Rural (ACHITUR A.G.) - Chile
  • Garupa - Brazil

Technological tools at the service of people, communities and territories
  • Real Travel - Chile
  • Impulsa Igualdad - Spain
  • GRINN - Costa Rica


30 years since ISTO's arrival in the Americas
  • International Social Tourism Organisation - Americas section (ISTO Americas)
  • International Social Tourism Organisation (ISTO)
  • Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) - Canada
  • Sesc São Paulo - Brazil

25 October

Costa Rica Highlights


  • International Social Tourism Organisation - Americas section (ISTO Americas)
  • Secretariat of Central American Tourism Integration (SITCA)

Another tourism is possible. From Sao Paulo 2014 to San José 2024
  • International Social Tourism Organisation (ISTO)
  • INATEL Foundation - Portugal
  • Turismo y desarrollo - Costa Rica

PARALLEL SESSIONS for the construction of Methodological Guidelines regarding Social Sustainability Indicators

Inclusion and accessibility for visitors
  • International Social Tourism Organisation - Americas section (ISTO Americas)
  • Wallonie Tourisme - Belgium
  • Vacances Ouvertes (VO) - France

Welfare of tourism workers
  • International Social Tourism Organisation (ISTO)
  • IMSERSO - Spain

Quality of Life for residents and communities
  • International Social Tourism Organisation (ISTO)
  • Secretaría de Turismo de Guanajuato - Mexico
  • Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (ENES-UNAM) - Mexico



ISTO Awards 2024 Ceremony

Conclusions and acknowledgements
  • International Social Tourism Organisation (ISTO)
  • Instituto Costarricense de Turismo (ICT) - Costa Rica

Early Bird (until 09 September)

ISTO member
230 USD*
ISTO member from: Africa, Asia or Latin America
150 USD*
Non-member of ISTO
400 USD*
Non-member of ISTO from: Africa, Asia or Latin America
230 USD*
200 USD*
Tourism student (limited places)
35 USD*
Experiences in 360º of ISTO’s DNA (21 & 22 October)
220 USD*

Regular Fee (from 10 September)

ISTO member
270 USD*
ISTO member from: Africa, Asia or Latin America
180 USD*
Non-member of ISTO
480 USD*
Non-member of ISTO from: Africa, Asia or Latin America
270 USD*
230 USD*
Tourism student (limited places)
60 USD*
Experiences in 360º of ISTO’s DNA (21 & 22 October)
260 USD*

The registration fee includes delegate materials, simultaneous interpretation, coffee breaks and 2 lunches, as well as the welcome reception and closing dinner.

* All prices are subject to transaction fees by our partner, WeTravel. Find out more here.

Grano de Oro

Standard room (single or double occupation)
150 USD
Superior room (single or double occupation)
175 USD
Deluxe Patio room (single or double occupation)
199 USD
Deluxe King room (single or double occupation)
215 USD
Book here

Crowne Plaza SJO La Sabana by IHG

Standard room (single or double occupation), including transport from the airport
135 USD
Superior room (single or double occupation), including transport from the airport
175 USD
Book here

Park Inn By Radisson

Standard Room (single or double occupation)
95 USD
Premium room (single or double occupation)
115 USD
Suite (single or double occupation)
155 USD
Book here

Please note:

  • Prices are guaranteed until 09 September 2024 upon availability.
  • Park Inn by Radisson is the headquarter hotel.
  • All prices include breakfast but exclude the 13% tax.
  • It is possible to book a shuttle service to/from the airport directly with your accommodation. Please contact your hotel once you have made your booking.
  • For adapted room requests, please specify your needs in the ‘Comments’ section at the time of booking.
  • Transportation to the Costa Rica Convention Centre (event venue) is provided only for guests staying at the Park Inn by Radisson, Grano de Oro, or Crown Plaza SJO La Sabana by IHG.

Post-tours ISTO World Congress

by Il Viaggio Travel

from 26 to 29 October

TORTUGUERO - 4 days / 3 nights

Single Occupancy
$600 USD per person
Double Occupancy
$450 USD per person
Triple Occupancy
$350 USD per person

MANUEL ANTONIO - 4 days / 3 nights

Single Occupancy
$750 USD per person
Double Occupancy
$650 USD per person
Triple Occupancy
$450 USD per person


Customised tailor-made tours are also available.

Confirm your space with the deposit through the platform and send the necessary information to create your perfect post tour.

Check all the details and book now

We are committed!

The prevention of violence is an ethical and moral imperative that requires decisive action at all levels of society. The International Social Tourism Organisation (ISTO) considers it essential to address this problem within the framework of its events and activities in order to ensure a safe and respectful environment for all participants and partners.

In order to protect the integrity and well-being of the people associated with the ISTO World Congress, as well as to foster a culture of inclusion and equity, sexual harassment, discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and/or gender identity, or race, among other forms of discrimination, will not be tolerated.

We will be informing you about the procedure to follow in case you are a victim or witness of situations of violence as mentioned above.

The Costa Rican Tourism Industry is committed to discourage and sanction commercial sexual exploitation of children and adolescents, as an axis for responsible and sustainable tourism.

Find out more
Register here

Previous editions.

  • 2022

    2022 - Ponta Delgada, Portugal

    On Social sustainability: A key driver for the future of tourism.

  • 2018

    2018 - Lyon, France

    On the theme -Tourism in action: Innovate, Develop and Share, this congress addressed three key topics: Innovation and creativity; Youth tourism; and the Balanced development of territories.

  • 2016

    2016 - Zagreb, Croatia

    Titled “Driving Tourism through Inclusion”, three main areas were discussed during this congress: Accessible Tourism, Social Policies – a driver of growth for Domestic Tourism and Tourism for development of regions...

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